Registration required. Spaces are closed for the main portion of the DH Bootcamp. The DH Bootcamp includes an open session on January 28, 2016 from 4-6pm, which is the Researcher Networking Event.
- Schedule for the DH Bootcamp
- Teams and Team Sets for the DH Bootcamp
- Project Charter Template for the Teams
- More Information: DH Bootcamp project materials:
- Project Teams: The project teams include small groups of 5 with one mentor/facilitator, two humanities/arts scholars, one non-humanities/arts scholar, one resource person. The small groups will also be in cluster-groups with 3 teams (total of 15) during the training sessions. For training sessions where the guest speaker/trainers are not presenting, the guest speaker/trainers will be part of one of the cluster-groups or groups to help support discussion and radical collaboration at UF and beyond with many shared concerns including the DH Working Group, the Science Fiction Working Group, the Center for Latin American Studies including the Cuba Studies Steering Program, TRACE, and many others.
Guest Speaker/Trainers
- Ellen Gruber Garvey:
- Loss Pequeño Glazier:
- Roopika Risam:
- Stephen Robertson:
Ellen Gruber Garvey is Professor in the English Department of New Jersey City University, also teaching in the Honors Program and in Women’s and Gender Studies. Garvey is a cultural historian who specializes in print culture from the nineteenth century to the present. Her research uses archival exploration and literary evidence to study historical reading and publishing practices and material culture. She is interested in how people have managed information.
Her most recent book, Writing with Scissors: American Scrapbooks from the Civil War to the Harlem Renaissance (Oxford UP, 2013), has received four awards: the Transdisciplinary Book Award, for a nonfiction work that exemplifies transdisciplinary, socially engaged humanities-based scholarship, from the Institute for Humanities Research at Arizona State University; the Waldo Gifford Leland Award for writing of superior excellence and usefulness in the field of archival history, theory, or practice, from the Society of American Archivists; Highly Commended Award, DeLong Book History Book Prize from the Society for Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP); and honorable mention from the EBSCOhost/Research Society for American Periodicals (RSAP) Book Prize. Her previous book, The Adman in the Parlor: Magazines and the Gendering of Consumer Culture(Oxford UP, 1996) won SHARP’s Book History book prize.
Writing with Scissors tells about how men and women 150 years ago grappled with information overload by making scrapbooks – the ancestors of Google and blogging. From Mark Twain to Susan B. Anthony, African American janitors to farmwomen, abolitionists to Confederates, people cut out and pasted down their reading. Their work reveals their personal, passionate, of ten critical and always dynamic relationship to media. You can read my short piece on The Root blog, on African American scrapbooks, and you can find more about the book on the Scrapbook History blog.
She is currently writing a book on late-nineteenth century Americans’ anxiety about the newspaper as a form of virtual reality. Like today’s social media, it had potential to alienate readers from face-to-face community, even as it connected the nation. The book examines both cultural discourse about newspapers and their circulation and distribution.
Her writing on media includes an article on abolitionists’ use of runaway slave ads as a database, “‘facts and FACTS’:Abolitionists’ Database Innovations,” in Raw Data” Is an Oxymoron, edited by Lisa Gitelman; an article on the complications of promoting books, in “Ambivalent Advertising: Books, Prestige, and the Circulation of Publicity,” in A History of the Book in America, vol. 4, edited by Janice Radway and Carl Kaestle; and a multimedia article introducing students to nonmainstream publications, “Out of the Mainstream and into the Streets: Small Press Magazines, the Underground Press, Zines, and Artists’ Books” in Perspectives in American Book History, edited by Scott Caspar, Joanne Chaison, Jeffrey Groves.
She has lectured in the US and in Europe on such topics as scrapbooks, women’s bicycling, magazines, billboards, women editors, and stories about slave ships. With Jacqueline Ellis of Women’s and Gender Studies, she edits the journal Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy.
She also just taught as an invited visiting professor for the spring at the University of Paris 8-Vincennes/Saint-Denis.
Loss Pequeño Glazier: Poet Loss Pequeño Glazier is professor of media study (SUNY Buffalo, New York) and director of the Electronic Poetry Center. He is director of the International E-Poetry Festivals and he is artistic director of Digital Poetry and Dance at UB. The Electronic Poetry Center, the original web poetry center, continues over twenty years of activity as a peerless, pioneering, and extensive resource for innovative and digital poetry on the web. Glazier authored the first title on digital literature, the prize-winning Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries(Alabama, 2002), as well as Anatman, Pumpkin Seed, Algorithm (Salt, 2003) and Small Press: An Annotated Guide (1992). He is the author of the acclaimed digital works Etymon (2013), Four Guillemets (2012), white faced bromeliads on 20 hectares (1999, 2012), Io Sono at Swoons (2002), and Territorio Libre (2003–2010), and poems, essays, film, visual art, sound, digital works, as well as projects for dance, music, installation, and performance. His recent projects have occurred in London, Edinburgh, Monterrey (Mexico), Toronto, Paris, Naples, and locations in the US. Recent videos include Middle Orange. His author page can be found at the EPC.
Roopika Risam is Assistant Professor of English and Secondary English Education, Salem State University. Her research examines intersections between postcolonial, African American, and US ethnic studies, and the role of digital humanities in mediating between them. Her monograph Postcolonial Digital Humanities is under contract with Northwestern UP, and she is also working on a manuscript that positions W.E.B. Du Bois as a progenitor for postcolonial studies through renewed attention to his literary work.
Her digital scholarship includes The Harlem Shadows Project, on producing usable critical editions of public domain texts; Postcolonial Digital Humanities, an online community dedicated to global explorations of race, class, gender, sexuality, and disability within cultures of technology; and EdConteXts, an international network of educators.
Currently, she is in the initial stages of two projects: 1) the prototype for A Cultural Atlas of Global Blackness, an interactive database and digital map that traces representations of blackness across temporality and geography and 2) her seed-grant funded study “Digital Humanities and the Common Core: Teacher Attitudes and Awareness,” which uses survey data, focus groups, and training workshops to assess the opportunities and barriers that digital humanities pose for high school humanities teachers.
Her previous courses, varied in nature, have included African American Literature I, World Literature I and II, English Methods (undergraduate and graduate), Young Adult Literature (undergraduate and graduate), “Our Monsters, Ourselves” First Year Seminar, Global Blackness and the Black Radical Tradition, and Multicultural Britain (graduate).
She serves on the MLA Delegate Assembly, ACH Executive Council, GO::DH Executive Board, DHCommons founding editorial board, and Hybrid Pedagogy Inc. International Advisory Board.
Stephen Robertson is best known in digital history for his work on Digital Harlem, which he created with his collaborators in the Black Metropolis project. Digital Harlem won the American Historical Association’s Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History and the ABC-CLIO Online History Award of the American Library Association in 2010. He and his collaborators are currently developing the site to offer a spatial perspective on the 1935 Harlem riot.
Robertson is the author of Crimes against Children: Sexual Violence and Legal Culture in New York City, 1880-1960 (UNC Press, 2005) and co-author of Playing the Numbers: Gambling in Harlem Between the Wars (Harvard University Press, 2010). He has published articles on sex crimes, modern childhood, legal history, everyday life in 1920s Harlem, and undercover investigation in journals such as Gender and History, Journal of Social History, Journal of Urban History, and Journal of the History of Sexuality. His current research examines private detectives and the practice of undercover surveillance in the United States between 1865 and 1941.
Robertson has won a number of teaching awards, including a Carrick Australian Award for University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in 2006 and a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award in 2008.
Prior to joining RRCHNM, Robertson taught at the University of Sydney from 2000 to 2013. From 1998-1999, he was the JNG Finley Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University, and he was previously a post-doctoral fellow at the American Bar Foundation in Chicago. He received his PhD from Rutgers University, and his undergraduate degrees from the University of Otago, in New Zealand.
He blogs at and about Digital Harlem at
Also of note is his new DH project, a software tool called Tropy to help researchers organize, describe and share the digital images they take in their research, which he’s developing with Sean Takats, with funding from the Mellon Foundation:
DH Bootcamp Pre-Activities
- Readings
- Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Todd Presner, and Jeffrey Schnapp, A Short Guide to the Digital Humanities (MIT Press, 2012).
- Domenico Fiormonte. Digital Humanities from a global perspective. Laboratorio dell’ISPF. 2014, vol. XI. DOI: 10.12862/ispf14L203:
- FemTechNet, DOCC Courses:
- Review list of resources for DH as it relates to Tenure & Promotion:
- DH Bootcamp Pre and Post-Survey: please complete the pre-survey before the event.