Latest Past Events
DHWG Lightning Round: Simulations for the Digital Humanities
Scott Nygren Scholars Studio (Library West 212)This session will examine several types of computer simulations, and discuss how they might achieve wider usage in digital humanities projects. These simulations use rule-based systems to produce novel, dynamic inferences, and thus they may be able to support and advance research in several humanities fields. Examples of social science and digital humanities simulations will
The Social Lives of Books from Print to Pixel
Judaica Suite Smathers Library (Library East), 2nd Floor, GainesvillePresenters: Joshua Teplitsky, Assistant Professor of History, Stony Brook University Rebecca Jefferson, Head, Price Library of Judaica, University of Florida Neil Weijer,Curator of the Harold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection, University of Florida Hélène Huet, European Studies Librarian, University of Florida
Digital Humanities Meet-Up: Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate
Scott Nygren Scholars Studio (Library West 212)For this lightning round, the board members of the Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate will be presenting information about the certificate and an opportunity to join their Advisory Board. So if you're interested in learning more, please attend. As always, the lightning rounds will consist of a presentation followed by informal discussion. Drinks and snacks are